I'm someone that can empathise greatly. I suffer from pretty nasty bouts of depression, and for reasons I won't go into, get very socially paranoid. I read far too much into things. It's something that I've learned to control and can see it for what it is.
One thing I have learned is that it is vary easy for people to get wrapped up in their own little worlds, often to the neglect of other people who you didn't mean to neglect. I've done it a number of times to friends and family, and they've done it to me. I've at times felt the same way towards friends for similar reasons as in the OP, only to learn they've going through all kinds of hell or genuinely forgot.
It happens. People do things like that to us and we do it to them without even thinking about it, because as I said, it's easy to just get rapped up in your own world sometimes.
My honest advise, take a deep breath and chill out. If it really is something that's bothering you, talk to him about it, give him the chance to respond. If you let feelings and emotions like this fester you end up inventing reasons to be mad or hate people when it was a just a misunderstanding.
You are not a slave