Yes, it's all about the way they're raised. No breed is inherently vicious or mass-murdering. All the pits we see in the shelters are big puppy dogs. You'd think at least one wouldn't be...
We have some issue with our visiting rotts with one of our neighbors. They are scared of dogs in the first place, but have learned that our dogs are safe. Then the Rotts moved in. having a 120 lb. rott standing up on a 4' fence growling at you will make anyone nervous let alone someone who already has issues. Rotts do a lot of "grumbling" which can be mistaken for growling, but any sound they make is pretty scary.
The neighbor's husband told us that he'd "get a gun and shoot the dog" if it came over the fence at him. We really wanted to tell him that if it DID come over the fence to attack, it'd already be too late.
As a result we are puting up a 6' stockade fence along that side of the property so the dogs can't see them. 330 feet of stockade fence. Oy.
Btw, I warned that Rotts are messy. My bad. He had just been doing a lot of running and playing before jumping up on my couch. I've since been made to notice that they haven't been like that any other time.
I haven't truly given an opinion yet so here's mine: GSD's or Rotts.
I have to admit the Rott will have 10 times more fear factor for a baddie.