So I screwed up...
Yep. I screwed up. Majorly. I lost two good friends and in some way it wasn't exactly my fault.
Explanation you say? Ahh... there's the fun part.
I was in need of cash a while back. A friend offered to buy out my "plat" in EQ2. Since I wasn't playing and probably not for a long while. They paid a portion of it. And promised the rest within the next 2 weeks.
As for the other, things were getting to me mentally on where I had gotten behind and in the midst of a complete organization of the apartment. I spoke to another friend saying that I'd pay the money back in no more than 3 weeks tops.
Well, now I've broken my word, that friend won't talk to me. I'm on the proverbial shit list. But that's because I didn't get the cash I was supposed to get to pay them back. It's a stupid circle I know.
Now, the one that owes me is mad at me because in a fit of anger over losing a good friend, I told them I wouldn't be talking to them for a while. Explained what was going on. Now, I've lost two friends.
The second one that owes me says they can't pay me because the boss went out (this was last week) for a week or so and no paycheck til boss comes back to sign the checks. I got the story of they'd get the money to me on money and that they would be starving after that. I'm not sure to believe that or not considering that we're not close by each other.
While finally being able to talk to the first one (to be paid back), I made arrangements to do babysitting and cleaning for payment back. I told the second one to just forget about the whole thing, money and all.
Now I've come to a impasse, I think you'd call it that. The cash will be coming by Western Union on Monday or sometime next week. I'm a old dog but I still have tricks up my sleeve.
I don't like broken promises, from myself or anyone else. Heard it too many times and broken to really care for that word much.
My question is..... and please just as you guys normally do hehe... be honest. I don't feel that I've managed to repair the damage to either friend. Nor have I come to any idea on how to fix it, maybe not fixable, I don't know.
Any ideas on how to make amends, or just leave it be and not speak to the other again? Or something I haven't thought of?
I don't post much I know, but I seriously have nobody else to ask for advice.
Quantum Cat Theory:
Upon hearing the sound of a can being opened,
it becomes possible for a cat to travel faster than the speed of light.