Originally Posted by Zeraph
I don't know about 12, but personally I think it should be pretty low, maybe 14 (or none at all). Not because I think they should be having sex at that age (emotionally I would never even touch a 16 year old no matter how mature looking) but because its none of the governments damn business. I believe they should only intervene on a case by case basis and that its up to the parents to be protecting their children. If they're orphans or something then step in sure, or even if theyre 17 but being taken advantage of, then sure step in please. But setting a specific age, especially around 18 is just lazy silly and stepping on our rights. I believe in a much more 'laissez-faire' government.
PS this thread should really be merged with the other. It's nearly identical.
So who's going to step in if the parents do not know?
So who is going to step in if the legal age limit is 14? You're expecting the government to legislate these matters by hairtooth comb? Why don't we allow children to drive at 10? To drink at 12? Why have any limits at all?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with an arbitrary age limit. It sets a standard for the community, being that you know there will be a certain percentage of transgressions, but that most people will abide by them.