1. How the fuck do I get over this heartache?
2. Should I egg his/her houses? or Should I get revenge? If so, how would be an awesome method?
Tell him you're HIV positive and pregnant with his baby.
3. Why do I want to go back to him even when he's such a douchebag?
Because douchebags are lovable scamps, i.e Bear Cub.
4. Should I delete his number from my phone and get a new number? What if I need him for something?
No. How else would you be able to send him pictures of you banging your new F-buddy? The one with the HUGE penis.
5. I feel so lonely and sad. Tell me some things about me that you like and why I deserve a new man.
You have a vagina. Answers both parts.
6. How would you usually get a new man?
If Bear Cub were a woman, the same plastic bag technique.
7. Would it be creepy to date a man over the internet? How do you do this? What are your experiences with this?
Bear Cub is a Craigslist legend. What do you think?
8. I've been scaring away men by acting kooky.It ends up making me feel like shit. What is a good way of flirting with men?
Buy them booze. They'll know you're interested, and you've already given them the greatest gift possible.
9. I expect to have sex with my new man soon.. but not as soon as the first night. I would end up crying like a bitch. How do I explain to a horny pervert that I'm actually looking to take it slow. But, not too slow.
Blow him until you're ready. Which should probably be somewhere around tomorrow afternoon.
10. What are other methods of meeting guys that you recommend? How do I do them?
If Craigslist doesn't work, OK Cupid and Plenty Of Fish are the only acceptable alternatives. Except maybe FetLife.
11. Should I even get a new man? Why/why not?
No. Relationships are horrible. Find as many new men as possible strictly for coital interaction.
Good luck!
Living in the United Socialist States of America.