Forks and geep, you need to back stop the judgments. unless you've been in his shoes, you have NO idea what its like. i agree with everyone, including babaloo, that how he handled the situation was poor. until you've been a marriage and realized you've made a mistake, you have no idea just how heartwrenching it can be. i can sympathize with him completely. i was married only 3 yrs when i looked at my wife and realized that i had made a huge mistake. i didnt love her.. i dont think i ever did... not as a wife at least. there was a catalyst in my life that made evaluate what i had and where i was going and i realized that i couldnt make either of us happy.. nor could i make my 6 month old daughter happy. yeah.. think about that. the week my daughter was born was the week i realized that i royally screwed up. i've been divorced 2 1/2 yrs and i couldnt be happier. i have an excellent relationship with my daughter and i am a much better father like this than if i was still the husband of her mother.
all of you who say that when you marry its for life, its meant to be that way, but you know what? people make mistakes. i hear too many people say that we, as a society, divorce too quickly. i partially disagree. i think the real problem is we marry too quickly. i see people point to their grandparents and generations previous and say 'they were together 50 years!' yeah, so? but were they happy? isnt that the real question?
do what you know is best babaloo.. but make sure you know.