Originally Posted by Charlatan
I'd say it's a combination of the two... a snake eating its own tail.
QFT. It's sort of cyclic, but sort of not. The media is a recycling process, but not exactly. Seeing as how each person does not produce the media he or she sees, it's not exactly that each one of us produces the media. In this way, every person is a product of the media, but some people produce that media -start cycle-, as a reflection or interpretation of how they perceive people/life/whatever.
This question should really be categorized under life imitates art or art imitates life, because they are one and the same, except that, arguably, the media is trash, and not art.
Since the modern media's primary concern is to get us to buy stuff, does that mean that we, in reflection, are automatons who purchase (ie purchasing machines)?