certainly the military uses reeducation in many forms throughout the ranks. Because of the nature of the beast, that beast being combat, there is a certain level of automation that needs to exist in a front line soldier. If a soldier must make a moral decision every time he pulls the trigger, then he will almost never pull the trigger, hence he must be, in your terms "brainwashed" to follow orders without question, he must have his skills drilled into him to the point where there is no thought, only action. Because in that fraction of a second, if he is bogged down with moral issues, he will lose the fight, and rather than the enemy being sent home in a pine box, the soldier is the one who's family cries at a gravesite.
In war, there is no middle ground. You win, or you die. That is not an exaggeration, that is a simple battlefield fact. Those who hesitate die, those who let basic morality (IE to kill another man = bad) die, and those who question their orders due to some philosophical qualm die. So, we "brainwash" our soldiers.
I understand that the military is not for everyone, what pisses me off is when those who dont serve feel in some way superior to those who do. you dont want to serve, then by all means dont, but get off your high horse and deal with the fact that a soldier goes through more in 2 years than you will ever imagine. ESPECIALLY during times of war.
There are 10 types of people in this world... Those who understand Binary and those who dont.
I aim to please.. to bad for you I am a horrible shot.
Every time you open your mouth, stupid comes out.