keep in mind that the dj industrial numerical meme appears one the nightly news and is understood to be a kind of astrological indicator of the well-being of the zeitgeist--all things thereby have the same interests as capital--but the nightly repetition of this Important Ideological Factoid has been a constant since the early 1970s. so what matters really is less what the meme means than what it does.
what it's supposed to do is indicate All Is Well or at least ok or will be. it's basically a very short weather report, except it covers the All.
the connection of indices to the actual generation of surplus is secondary.
so an opinion management tool--a small one, but since it encompasses the All, it's kinda important. so it follows that if you have to truncate the timeframe that you're using to say "things are lookin up sports fans" its a small price to pay. so what if it's meaningless? the effects are Important: consumers recover a bit of Confidence and begin to do their patriotic duty as americans and exercise the one freedom they have in any immediate sense which is to Buy Things. Buying Things is Good. the Good is an expression of the Beneficience of the All.
i'm sure you've overheard or maybe participated in conversations over the past months that the "real" problem is Bad News and that nothing Bad is really happening, it's all the fault of the Media...
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite