Originally Posted by shesus
Did your family piss off the mob? That, my friend, is some crazy shit.
During the early years of the depression, for whatever reasons, there was a rash of attacks on children throughout the five boroughs of NY. There were a few murders and it waned sometime around 1937-1939.
The almost abduction of my sister happened when a man in a beat-up car pulled to the curb and told her to get in the car because "Your mom said to pick you up." My sister was smart enough, at 7, to yell, "Oh no she didn't!" and ran home. However, in describing the car to the policeman that came to take the report, she called it "plaid"-it was rusted and had primer all over it-and the cop basically said he couldn't do anything with that and left.
Even cops didn't have that much concern back then, I guess.
Having these things in the back of my head didn't make me overly paranoid, but I did do some things that were practical if a tad unorthodox: I played "bad person visiting" scenarios with my daughter and her Little Tykes playhouse (lol) and I always went out shopping with them on wrist leashes when they got too big for a stroller or didn't want to be in one (and don't get me started on those damned mothers who put kids old enough to tackle ME in strollers).
I was amazed at the rotten attitude of people when they saw my twins attached to me by a 4ft elastic band. But at least I wasn't one of those dumbasses calling out their errant brats' names because they were too busy checking the sales rack to notice they were standing alone.My husband I actually stood and watched a baby about 1.5 years old walk away from her mom(who had shopping bags in the stroller) as she looked at stuff on a table. We watched the baby walk into a Lane Bryant store and was completely out of site before mom noticed she was missing. The lady at the table noticed it too but we all thought the same thing: Let's see how fucking stupid this woman really is. LOL The answer: VERY. She suddenly realized the kid was gone, went into immediate panic and I silently pointed to the store she'd entered. A saleswoman had her at the counter.