Originally Posted by Siege
Sagat, Viper and Ryu are all considered strong characters according to the Tougeki tier list. So if anything, you should get ragged on for only using top tier-ish characters (can't remember if viper is in the top tier category) :P
i've heard nothing but good things about the tournament edition stick, and since it uses japanese parts, i can't imagine it being bad. so if you have some extra dough, you should consider investing in 2 of the tournament edition sticks.
Viper was bottom tier when I decided to play her from watching arcade videos. By the time the console version came out she had climbed the list. Tiers in this game seem practically worthless though. Nearly every match-up is 60/40 and very few are 70/30. One of the 70/30 match-ups being Viper vs Zangief. It's 70/30 in his favor. It seems like SF4 is going to be more about match-ups than tiers, which is a good thing. My order has changed also. I like playing Viper more than anyone else, especially after I found out how to do Seismic Hammers a hell of a lot easier last night. I'd also love to get the TE sticks but those are way out of my price range so I'm probably going to get the Hori EX2's.
This was the most recent tier list from Tougeki Damashii (posted on MLG 2/23/09)
S +
Sagat, Viper, Gouki, Zangief
Ryu, Bison, Rufus, Blanka
Chun li, Vega, Ken, Dalshim, Abel, Honda, Fuerte
Balrog, Guile
Balrog, Vega, and Bison are referring to their Japanese names (i.e. Balrog = Claw).
Pretty interesting. I'm curious to see what the console lists will look like though, haha.