We downsized years ago. The bulk of what we spend is toys for our own children. We put the names of our siblings, and sometimes parents, into a hat and draw. We are a Mystery Santa for the one we draw.
For friends, or for siblings that we don't draw, we can do a variety of things. Bake cookies, banana bread, etc. Print family pictures from our computer, and frame them as gifts (frames come from dollar store or other store, depending on budget). We can include a note about that memory. This year I will probably take most of my pictures on my pc and burn them onto cd's to give along with the printed pictures. Eighteen years ago, we received a few framed photos from a relative ... childhood photos that we hadn't seen in years. That was special to us. One year an older relative went through her jewelry box and gave many old pieces, some "family heirlooms" as Christmas gifts. We have purchased sweatshirts on sale and raided my craft supplies for fabric paint, lace, pearl strings. Homemade play-dough is usually well received by the youngest crowd, especially since I can scent it with my soap/lotion scented oils. Homemade soap and lotions and lip balms usually go to my coworkers, who spend the rest of the year asking me if I have made more recently. Many years ago, I spent a year crocheting afghans with whatever yarn scraps I could get my hands on. And I gave away probably ten of them come Christmas. I still see most of those afghans on sofas, beds, and people when I visit.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe