Originally Posted by MSD
Flying wingtip to wingtip is a typical attack/intercept formation. It may have been training, or they may have been scrambled in response to an unidentified aircraft. I've seen what military pilots are capable of, and I would feel safer knowing they're there to deal with anything.
This reminds me that I miss the days before budget cuts when the Air National Guard A-10s would fly right over my house every other weekend. From what I've heard, I am the sole person in the world who thinks they look awesome and not ugly (same with the B-52.)
I like the "Hog" but I like almost all aircraft.
I had a chance a couple years back to get a ride on a B-52. They were charging around $500 and the ride wasn't long. I just couldn't part with that kind of cash for what seems like such a frivolous thing. Though I admit I wish I'd have done it now.