Funny... I feel like I couldn't stop being feminine if I wanted to. I look like the Victorian stereotype "woman" - very petite, very soft, hour-glass body, round face. It's very hard to make my body look manly or childish - it is very womanly, so I usually feel very feminine. I also have hip-length hair, which always makes me feel like a fairy-tale princess. I look so girly that usually I am treated as a girl - men don't treat me like I'm helpless (usually), but they don't treat me like one of the guys either. Make-up and toe-nail polish don't matter so much in my conception of femininity.. it has more to do with the way I act and the things I like to do. I love to shop, I love to bake and cook in general, draw, read, garden, crochet, embroider, and can jams and jellies. I like to do many other things, of course, but I genuinely like doing some of the traditional women's activities, which makes me feel like a lady.
The only time I don't feel feminine is when men ignore me (sad, isn't it?). Mostly when I'm around other girls and the guys sort of pass me over and talk to all the other girls but me, or talk about some chick they want to screw when I'm right next to them. Guys usually aren't dumb enough to say that around other girls, as girls often let each other know when guys are plotting stuff like that. When I get ignored that way, it's pretty brutal for me. I feel like an a-sexual bean then, robbed of any gender.