I don't know you, but it sounds like you have two issues going on, first is finding out who you are now, as a civilization, as a man, as someone who served his country and second as someone trying to find a social system that you can relate to.
Bottom line is if you are confident in who you are and it out there, the people that are like you will gravitate toward you. College is a great way for a ton of people to spot you and the ones like are like you to meet up with you.
Don't worry about the girls, if you get too lonely date some bimbos, we all do it. You'll find girls like you, but you have to go through the game no matter what age you are physically or emotionally, finding a SO is a crazy game. Girls will love the older more mature guy who has a place off campus, assuming its not with your parents. There is no shame being your age in college, I sat next to the nicest 70 year old woman in one of my college history classes, if she can do it you can do it. Oh and guess what, guys were into her-weird. Anyway, you may have a little post military stress going on, which is normal. Enjoy your summer until school starts up again, man do I miss college.
Thank you for taking time out of your life to serve our country as a fellow American, I am in your debt.
Yes you can get off on the same sexual experience for 24 full hours!!!!!