In 2006, the Chinese Association of South Africa sued the government, claiming that its members were being discriminated against because they were being treated as whites and thus failed to qualify for business contracts and job promotions reserved for victims of apartheid.
What this line tells me is that it's okay to descriminate against whites, but not anyone else. I realize that the situation is different compared to the United States (Who's government mandated racial segregation ended long ago) in that South Africa's racist attitude legally ended in the 1990's... but still it annoys me when 'minorities' get preferential treatment over the 'majority'. ('Cause, you know, that fits the definition of racism perfectly, giving one race preferential treatment over another.)
Even though the South African version of affirmative action is infinitely more justified than the United States version (As the people who've practiced segregation with malicious intent rather than by law) as said people are still alive. But that doesn't stop 'whites' whom have never thought ill of other races from being punished for the crimes of their fellow color sharing humans.
Maybe people should stop worrying about 'getting even' and treat all races as equals instead of constantly giving benefits to one side or the other.
Down with affirmative action.