I feel for you, and your friend with the shit finally hits the fan in her 'relationship'. We can only hope that she comes out of it relatively unscarred. The fact of the matter is, you can't tell her what to do, even when the things she's doing are so obviously self-destructive. You can certainly warn her, but if she won't listen, there's not much else you can do - *unless* this guy has a warrant out for his arrest, or is guilty of a crime for which there is evidence the police can follow up on. I assume she didn't press charges about the car thing, or the money that he stole from her purse. I can't even begin to try to psychoanalyze why she's doing what she's doing, but it happens.
The best advice I can think to give is to take your *own* advice to her: stay away from this guy, even if it means staying away from her in the process.