A fetish is not the same thing as having a favorite sexy body part. Certainly not boobs. Women have boobs because we were selectively bred to have them by generations of men liking them. Why else are we the only primate, or really the only mammal to have large, decorative breasts? (Udders don't count)
It is completely natural to like boobs--and butts, since they are another secondary sexual characteristic that we have specifically to attract men--and it is also natural to enjoy clothing and linerie that accentuates these important secondary sexual characteristics. Thongs, leggings, and jeans all show off a nice, round butt. And DUH--revealing clothing is GOING TO BE EXCITING because it shows more of the good stuff!
Here is the thing .You must learn to like nude people,boobs,big butts,soft porn or hard porn,girls masterbating,people having sex,sucking and licking so on.You are not just born and at age 12 like all that .The brain does not need logic this is body parts,clothing,object,fantasy so on.
We learn by are environment.And there may be some animal instinct just to mate imprinted when one is born.
Has for why some people like this and other people like that , is what scientist are scratching their head.To say all is environment does not seem to work with some fetish like why people like blue jeans or leather jacket.Or why some find dipers or pajamas a turn on.
Why some people who have a fetish only get a big turn on for pajamas and not porn.And why some get a turn on from both porn or pajamas.