Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
Ah, so only us old people who remember 1984 as an actual year we lived through think of escorts as actual escorts? Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, I got your number all right.
I'm only kidding, as you must obviously know.
After 18 years in law enforcement I can honestly say I never heard of any escorts not providing sex, of course if they weren't providing sex they might not show up on our radar. So???
I do remember a call where a guy called in to complain he was "ripped off" by an escort. I believe the dispatch officer took pity on him and explained the law to him rather then send an officer out to "take his complaint."
The guy that called in to report his neighbor stole his pot wasn't so lucky.
On a side note a guy I worked with, real dirt bag, got caught in a "sting" in Portland, Or... in his state vehicle. His running partner is currently doing 25 years for having sex with teenage boys.
One of the many things I learned on that job was that often the line between the people with the keys and those without the keys is very fine at times.