Originally Posted by *Nikki*
I think tea bagging is demeaning.....
The pizza box thing has got that beat though.
*shrugs* and I think anal sex is one of the most perverse forms of sexual gratification out there. (But then again, being a scholar on anatomy/physiology of the human body, and of bacteriology/virology, I know what harm anal sex does to someone's colon. That information alone turns me off from it.) Your point is? Think about what you say Nikki...
I would never put myself into a sexual situation where I cannot stop it if I feel uncomfortable. You don't know the guy I'm talking about, nor me. Everyone tries new things when it comes to sex... eventually, at least. This experience was just one of those times, and it was fun! The best part about it is, you're really in control. A guy's not going to be comfortable doing that (especially not doing it fast!) when there's teeth involved, he'd be on the floor curled up in a ball so fast!

Sorry if I sound defensive, but that comment kind of hit a nerve, kind of made me feel like a dirty slut.