When you boil it down, the remaining candidates are hardcore survivors in a high-stakes contest of influence, deal making, beating up and destroying opponents (even within their own political parties). Race and gender are not the central motivators of the voting majority. Sadly, the politics of party-maneuvering has left us with a shallow pool of ruthless pandering left-overs (IMHO) that happen to be a white female, A black man, and one aging white man.
A positive person might say that the appearance of diversity in presidential politics is a sign of progress and growth. I'm not a pessimist, but I'm not ready to take that philosophical leap. The average person just wants someone honest, competent, and prepared ... but we're stuck with these three.
I'll struggle to pull the lever for any of the current candidates.
"It rubs the lotion on Buffy, Jodi and Mr. French's skin" - Uncle Bill from Buffalo