Originally Posted by YaWhateva
WoW was the most stable MMO ever to launch. The only thing that happened was that they didn't anticipate as many people to get the game as did. It had very few bugs at launch. Hero classes and sieges are coming in the next expansion. LOTRO, DDO, and Hellgate: London are all MMO's that came years after WoW and still had horrendous bugs at launch. They wish they could have had as shitty of a launch as WoW did.
Okay, I'll bite. I LOVE Blizzard. I played WoW religiously from the pre-public beta through my beta test of Burning Crusade. It was NOT the most stable MMO launch. Ultima Online was far more stable at launch, as were Dark Age of Camelot and, unfortunately, PlanetSide. WoW had massive server population issues for several months after launch. Even servers that were below the hard cap (yes, there was a hard cap even in the beginning) had stability issues. And seriously... LOTRO and DDO? It wasn't even a matter of stability as much as utter suckage. *shrug*
Yes, Hero classes ARE coming (in theory) with the next ExPack... or rather A HERO CLASS is. We shall see how it works.