Originally Posted by inBOIL
Fancy goldfish don't grow terribly fast, so keeping two small ones in a 10 gal. for a year or so shouldn't be a problem, as long as you keep up with regular water changes. As far as other tankmates, fast-swimming goldfish (e.g. comets, feeders) aren't a good choice, and I'm unaware of any other small coldwater fish.
edit: A small shoal of white cloud minnows might be appropriate, but get a second opinion on that.
I knew to stay away from the fast moving goldfish as tankmates, for the same reason you keep Koi away from fancy goldfish in pond setups. The little bastards will eat everything and the fancies will starve

It's sounding like the only real thing you can keep with goldfish, no matter the tank size, is other goldfish. I'll wait and see what other folks have to say on the issue as well. Thanks for the thoughts, inBoil!
And Ghoastgirl, I'd love any advice JStrider can provide.