Is it similar to mandatory car insurance?
I understand the concept and how it should work, but will it work on a federal/national level, or should it be state by state? (My car insurance is much cheaper in Ohio than in New Jersey/California. But they are trying to get laws passed that would allow them to buy from different states then they currently live in. Would the same thing happen here, where people move or travel and go from state to state frequently? How do you prevent the quality from being less in smaller states with fewer people?)
Do you feel that there is any incentive for doctors/insurance companies to lower prices because everyone has to pay now?
Will this increase demand for doctors because of the 'I'm spending all this money, I better get something for it' attitude?
How will this effect immigrants (legal one would have to get it, so I'm talking about illegal ones here) and visitors to this country with no health care coverage?
How are really sick people covered by this plan (do they have to pay more?)
What would be covered by this health care insurance, is it just like we have today in the US (are there strict limits as to what is covered, or can you pay for better coverage)?
Do you think this would work better than a single government (or a non-profit) run health insurance company/agency?
Do they healthy people still need to pay for people who choose to be unhealthy, or should there be tests and lifestyle factors that determine the rate you pay based on how likely you will need medical assistance?