Originally Posted by Delirious
Anyone else think it's suspicious that there were no Red Sox on the list?
And by no Red Sox on the list, I am guessing you mean, "no one of the prominence of Roger Clemens, Andy Pettite, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield etc?" The answer, of course is that there are numerous former Sox players, and some who have some chance of re-signing with th team, both big names and not (Mo Vaughn is one prominent one, who may have only begun to use following his injuries, after the Red Sox). There are many New York players implicated because one of the most significant sources for the investigation was a Mets clubhouse attendant, who was also somehow linked to the Yankees strength coach. The fact that Mitchell is a native New Englander and has an affiliation with the Red Sox does not mean that he was doing their bidding, and to insinuate that is kind of bush. He has a long history of public service including being a judge and a senator. I will hear your complaint if there are no other teams who have only former, not current players named, otherwise you sound like a shrill new yorker. sorry if this sounds harsh.