I am not a mother, but you've pretty much described me my entire life...
my mother constantly tells a story of how she took me to the pediatrician when I was about 6 months old, and he said to her -you'll have your hands full with this one, you will lead her to water but never make her drink - I was stubborn at 6 months and wanted to do things in my own way... that hasn't changed 43 years later... I listen a little better now.
You might want to ask a third party, family friend, school counselor, private counselor, to act as intermediary and ask her why she's behaving the way she is in certain situations... I know damn well at 9 I wouldn't have told m y parents - not that htey weren't trustworthy but they would have told me what I was feeling was wrong -and I might have wanted some validation for my feelings, but if anyone else was interested in knowing why... I might have said something...
Ihave a soft spot for rebellious kids... having been one... and you don't have to be non-rebellious to get somewhere in life - you don't have to be a robotic stepford child... some of the most successful people in the world I'd be willing to bet a lot were rebellious types as kids... and found their own way...
What she does need to work on is the not seeing any criticism as a personal attack - that to me is the problem and the solution there is the why is she feeling like she is...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.