well she's both in the position to be specifically and not specifically why i'm moving. I mean, yes, we're going to be living together because I wouldn't have a place to stay otherwise until I get my eggs lined up to hatch, the Job, school options and so on.
but at the same time I can't say her alone would make me want to move over there as she's been a rather constant source of conflict.
in any case, when I show up, she'll have to deal with me head on instead of this phone tag/myspace/msn nonsense. It's too easy to have "incomplete" snapshots of conversations, theres no body language to be had then.
so yeah i've always wanted to live in that area, and she's enabling that for me with her offer. She's obviously got her own interests at heart by doing so, and I have mine for accepting. It's just a matter of alignment when I show up to see if things are going to work out or not.