Hi all, it's my first time posting here and I must say after reading some threads most people seem pretty chill and levelheaded. Let me provide a bit of background on myself. I'm a college student. Although I have a lot of experience with relationships most of it is with the deeper stuff such as communication, love, understanding, sex, etc. This is because, I've only recently been single; I was previously in a six year long relationship. Of course, I was very young when I got with my ex, so I never really got to develop sort of a pre-relationship game. So I'm not particular sure about the best ways to hit on a girl, to get numbers, first kisses, etc. But enough about that. After we broke up, I was depressed and lost a lot of my confidence, I've made some missteps with women since then—mostly because I was a bit sensitive still—but I'm getting into the groove of things. Last week after a botched party, my and my friend (Ed) ended up meeting with a girl that knew one of our mutual friends. Both of us found her cute so we were both flirting around with her while horsing around with each other. At the end of the night it was me that ended up with her number, and I invited her to play soccer with some of my friends. (Ed was cool, like a true friend.) Well, to my surprise another friend of mines (Al) told me recently that he is bringing a girl to play soccer so that I could meet her. He showed me a pic and she seemed pretty cute also. Now I'm stuck here, because ideally I want to end up with both of these girls, or at least just one, but I'm afraid that trying to mack it to one of them will alienate the other. One piece of information: the first girl said she has a lot of guy friends, so even though she was flirting back, she might just be friendly like that. Really I want to see which of the two girls are interested, and then decide from there. But how can I tell which is (are) interested without alienating the other? By the way, I'm meeting these people tomorrow!
Thanks in advance