Originally Posted by willravel
Nikki and Jason had a thing. Look for more information in the Bourne Legacy, expected in theaters in 2010ish.
I think it's great that theres a set of amazing books and amazing movies with different stories. It's almost like having 8 different Bourne experiences. I'm kinda glad they did it that way, because it may not have translated well from novel to screen.
Sort of my exact feelings, and don't forget the Bourne Betrayal.
The books rocked, the movies rocked.
So far I'm happy to own all the books, and the two released DVDs.
My overall feelings of Ultimatum was that they looked at Supremacy and just re-used everything that was good and updated what didn't work. The two movies are so similar in the plot/action/dialogs, but this third one really set the bar.
Matt D really brought out some ass kicking and suspense, as with everyone else on this project.
After seeing it I gave it a 10/10. In after thought its more like 9/10. I'm sure Ludlum would have been proud.
If you enjoyed the movie I would suggest reading the books, its like a whole new experience but with TONS more detail in the same ass-kicking action filled package.
On a side note, since the nation seems to finally be catching onto how great of a writer R.Ludlum was; there is one specific book of his that would be great on the big screen.
The Matarese Circle.
Man that would be amazing. Then again, there are about 10 others of his that would be nice on screen too.
I'm just too much of a fan.