Originally Posted by nolan36
Half life 2 episode 2 is on its way and should be out soon. Other then that I could only advice some multipayer games . Maybe try Red Faction, which I believe came out in 2001 but its still very good.
Oh yeah, I'm waiting with great anticipation for that too. I played Episode 1 about 3 times. I played Red Faction a long time ago and liked it.
Just played Fear not too long ago. I liked the feel of it and the gun effects. It kind of left me wanting, though.
I like retro stuff too. I wish I had a nickel for every hour I played Doom and Wolfenstein when I was in the Navy.
My dear lovely wonderfully understanding wife came home with Star Wars - Best of PC the other day - "Looked like something that would be up your alley". Boy she was right. I am going to try Battlefront as soon as I finish the project for work I am working on. Empire at War looks fun, too.
I did not care much for Doom3 - Waaaay too dark. I did, however, like Quake 4, but I always came away with a headache for some reason.
One of my co workers is really big on the Max Payne series. I tried it and could not get into it. Maybe I'll try it again.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions!! Keep em coming!