Many parents think they know everything. They don't. It's something they (we) need to be aware of as we try to raise good young people.
Your mother and grandmother are obviously wrong, and you may need to run interference between them and your gf. Here's what I would do:
1) First I would establish why they're wrong. If they have specific complaints about her, then you debunk those complaints completely.
2) Divide and conquer. Find a way to divide their united front against your gf, which will weaken them both severely. When they are both bouncing complaints off one another, they are reinforcing their beliefs and making them seem more rational. I don't know your mother or grandmother, but I would think that if you give your mother a reason to think your grandmother is ragging on your gf out of resentment or something besides care for you (which is probably the case) if could weaken your mother's resolve. Isolate them from other people that agree and they're more likely to question their beliefs and actions.
3) Arrange for your gf to do something selfless and loving for you in front of your mom and/or grandma. Kill em with kindness.
While ignoring them sounds good in theory, taking a more active role may yield better results in practice. Good luck.