Parents interfering in my relationship
Hi all,
I'm 20 and I've been with the most wonderful person in the world for over a year. We are very much in love and all signs indicate that this is not going to change.
We both go to different colleges and other than over breaks, visitation is not possible. We talk on the phone every day though, and she's in town now so we spend the days together. Of course, we're both home so we have to stay with our parents.
The problem is, my mother seems to resent her, and my grandmother hates her -- she hated her before she even met her. My mother says things like, "don't get too involved," and "you're not going to marry her," which sincerely offend me. My grandmother is more overt.
It really hurts my girlfriend's feelings and I feel like my parents are being selfish and just plain mean. I really don't know what to do about it but it upsets me a whole lot. Can anyone relate or give some suggestions?