Holy shit bro! I feel for you. There are a few guys in my unit going through somewhat similar issues, and we haven't even hit mid-tour yet. It's the curse of the 'ghan I guess. Man... i know there are no words, brother, but I feel entirely compelled to say something, anything!
Just know that not all women are heartless, evil wenches! Maybe a lot are, my scope has been broadened a lot since I've been deployed and been around my new brothers. But they're not all bad.
Frankly, this is exactly why I think it should be treasonous for someone to cheat on their deployed spouse. It's utterly wicked to begin with, but while your SO is off on foreign soil, it's remarkably worse. Perhaps a letter to your senator might convince him to hang her in the town square?
yeah, I know, levity probably isn't the correct approach right now. I'm tired, been on too many missions lately and insomnia has crept up on me recently. I hope you find your way through the shit to see the light on the other side. Mostly, the light that includes you (and all of us) getting out of this shithole country and getting our lives back in order.
The prospect of achieving a peace agreement with the extremist group of MILF is almost impossible...
-- Emmanuel Pinol, Governor of Cotobato
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