I think you're safe, but do what you gotta do to ease your mind.
Think about it, Birth control pills are widly used by many people as the only form of contrceptive and it works, ya know, most of the time.
Pre-cum doesn't ALWAYS contain sperm. The only time it does is when there's sperm in the urethra from a previous ejaculation. Peeing cleans the pipes so if you pee afterwards, your next precum most likely isnt going to have sperm in it. Even if it did, the chances of fertalizing an egg with pre-ejaculation is low.
I'm not gonna endorse pulling out, or suggest the if she's on top she won't get pregnant due to that thing called gravity but you were already being double safe, one failed, but you have the apri to fall back on. If for some reason that wasn't working, it's possible she wasn't fertile to begin with, then the low chance that precum fertalized an egg.. to paraphrase what Waltert said.. if you get pregnant with those odds, your kid is a frickin gift from God.
I just read that you went with "plan b" but I've already typed this and I ain't changing it.. so pretend like you havent went for the planb yet.. kthx.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry