Originally Posted by Seaver
We've had a thread on this before, I can't find it.. might have gotten pushed off.
The thread is here:
An interesting read. I have seen a bit of 'grinding' even in our small town hangout sometimes. Things don't seem to go over well if a guy initiates it, even if I've seen them dance together before. But guys don't seem to mind women initiating it. I say this because they put their hands in the air and smile.
I can't tell you my experience, because I don't dance in public anymore. To say that I'm not a good dancer would be like saying Rhudolph's nose has a little bit of a glow. Definite understatement. I suck. Last time I danced in public, it wasn't pretty. I tried warning my would-be dance partner that I can't dance, but he talked me into it. He told me after the song that I don't dance too badly..."just don't drink so much first next time..." I was too embarassed to admit that I'd only been drinking diet soda. (I was the designated driver.) Maybe someday I'll learn to dance.