Originally Posted by BigDonkey2
I can't force her to feel a certain way and it seems to me that most of the problem stems from me not having the same beliefs as her.
Okay, first of all... the religion thing is not the issue you need to be focusing on. I'm not arguing that it isn't
a problem, but I think that it's easy to blame all your other issues on this one thing, so its significance is amplified.
Originally Posted by BigDonkey2
Anyhow, it seems now as if we're at a standstill. Shes ready to settle down and start her life but I'm still in pursuit of my dream of playing in the major leagues. She's very insecure about the fact that I don't seem to have the feelings for her like I have for baseball and that I don't include her in my future plans. I don't know what the future holds for both of us and I don't know how she's going to handle me being away for half the year at a time, which doesn't seem so well right now. She feels like shes sitting back and waiting to start her life while I go and do what I want to do. Shes said multiple times that we're both in different places right now, which she attributes to the age difference. I believe her in that aspect because there's no way I would be able to support myself. (for those of you who don't know minor league ball players don't get paid much) She has her own house and is going back to school to be a teacher.
What I hear you saying when I read this is that you are committed to pursuing your dream, but you aren't committed to your future with her... basically, it's a relationship based more on convenience. It seems clear that SHE is committed to you, however, and therefore she is the only one making any big sacrifices. Things will not work out if the relationship is truly this unbalanced. Period.
Originally Posted by BigDonkey2
What do I do? I'm trying my best to make her feel happy, which I admit I haven't been doing lately but she seems to think I'm doing nothing right now but watch baseball and workout, which is all I can do at the moment...
No... it's not all you CAN do, it's all you CHOOSE to do.
If you really do love her and want to be with her, you are going to have to make her a bigger priority. I understand that baseball is a huge part of your life, but you will have to find a better balance between her and baseball because, as it is now,
she feels very unappreciated.
I guarantee you that the religion thing won't seem like such a big deal if you make more of an effort to make her happy... and I don't think anything would make her happier than if you would make her your #1 priority every once in a while. You CAN make this work... but you'll have to be more committed and passionate when it comes to her, not just when it comes to baseball.