The best way to see about financing college is filling out a FAFSA. (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
If you are looking at transferring to UT (Austin?) for fall 2007 then I'd apply to the school and get your FAFSA forms filled out ASAP. (I'm attending UT Dallas.)
FAFSA determines if you are eligible for different kinds of grants, different kinds of loans or work study programs -- and how much.
You need to have your taxes filed first. Depending on how old you are and whether your parents have claimed you as a dependent will also affect how much $ you are eligible for and how much stuff you have to fill out. You can handle it all online though.
edit: Just thought of this. If you haven't applied to UT yet there is an option for doing it online - submit the entire application. I think it costs 50 bucks though.
It's a state based thing, not school based.