You are very sweet to care!
Politico has a nice idea.....
I can relate to your guess is they have "done" alot in years past....and they enjoy taking it easy and relaxing now. "Doing" isn't all it's cracked up to be
It's funny how you can get all excited about something, let it rule your life for a couple years, then be satisfied with the knowledge you have gained and drop it.
If your parents are over 50, they probably have some aches. pains etc and don't have quite the energy level they used too. It happens!
In defense of stick picking,
"Picking up sticks" is a pleasant passtime! You are actually enjoying the outdoors, checking out your property, mulling ideas over in your head about what projects you need to tackle as a new season begins. If you have to mow a have to keep the sticks picked up. I think I'll go over to Ebay now, and see if there are any new vintage, green planters to place on my shelf......