01-04-2007, 06:56 PM
#49 (permalink)
still, wondering.
Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
Originally Posted by oberon
I just have to say: pwned.
Seriously, analog, I don't think anyone would say raising children is the best thing they could do with their lives, nor that any given other profession is less important. The fact is, in most professions, you rely on many others to succeed, and so not that many people are successful in their careers, regardless of their own personal effort. In raising children, you have nearly total control over your child's life, for about 20 years. Forget having sex and popping out a baby nine months later, the ~20 years after that is a totally different matter. And even though children are almost entirely the parents' responsibility & domain, it's still a tough job. So in many cases the best thing they did do was raise their child(ren), or it may be one among many great things they did. They deserve respect for that if they did a good job. There are many, many parents that can't even do that. Your position on having kids in the first place is irrelevant.
And you know what? In 500 years everyone and their children (if any) and their grandchildren (if any) will be dead.. and in a few billion years the universe will start over, so nothing you do in life will have any permanent effect. But we give it our best shot anyway, because what else is there? And why not? Shit, now I'm wondering what the hell I did before I was born.
EEWWWW! What a nasty quote!