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Old 12-27-2006, 08:58 PM   #21 (permalink)
Telluride's Avatar
Location: California
Originally Posted by willravel
Well, that's a matter of opinion. Our hypocritical laws on immigration are tools not to protect us, but to maintain control over what is at it's very nature a slave race. Immigration is not as cut and dry as something like theft or murder, there really is a gray area there. In my experience, illegal immigrints are hard working, functional members of our society that honestly do help us in many ways. California has a very strong ag industry that rests squarely on the shoulders of men named Paco, Marcos, and Jose. I've had the pleasure of working with illegal immigrints several times and I would sooner deport many people to them. In other words, yes they are breaking a law, but the law is absurd and should be changed. I was out in the protests those months ago with my friends when kids walked out of their schools to show their political power. It was a very touching display of the civil power of a people.
Which law is "absurd"? Having a border?

Originally Posted by willravel
Murder, rape, biological warfare, and theft to start. We were the invading army that didn't care about the indegenous people to the point where we basically committed genocide. Before the Europeans began mass settlement in the 1500s, the Native American population in Central and North America was something like 112 million.
Nice try. I asked Infinite_Loser to cite the law that European settlers violated by stepping ashore, since he seemed to be comparing them to illegal aliens. I didn't ask for a list of bad things some settlers did AFTER they got here.

Originally Posted by willravel
Exactly. Laws are support to exist to protect and serve the individual and common good of the society. There is no benifit to keeping immigrints out.
So you want open borders? And there are benfits to keeping immigrants out. The environment, for one. More people require more housing, schools, etc. More housing, schools, etc. mean that rural areas eventually become towns and cities.

Originally Posted by dc_dux
We should also continue to ensure that our immigration policy provides for diversity. There are some Repubs in Congress who want to end the Diversity Visa program that allows for 55,000 immigrants a year from mostly Non-European countries. The suggestion that the program provides a cover for potential terrorists is racist nonsense, particularly since al Queda is focusing recruitment on white europeans.
Why do we need diversity visas?

Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Well, I do believe the European settlers ruthlessly and violenty usurped the land from the indigenous tribes already settling the Americas. As I said earlier, I'm all for anti-illegal immigration laws. Let's start with the descendants of the European settlers.
Another nice try. Doing bad things after you get here isn't the same thing as entering the country illegally. So please cite the law the European settlers violated when they stepped ashore.

And even if the settlers did enter the country illegally, there is still a big difference between punishing criminals and punishing the descendants of criminals.

Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
The biggest argument I've seen against illegal immigration is that they take jobs away from Americans, but how many people here have been unable to find a job because of illegal immigrants?

I'm willing to be no one.
I'm willing to bet that nobody posting here right now has ever been murdered. I guess that means murders never happen.

Anyway; the arguments that illegals do the jobs Americans won't do or that they take jobs away from Americans are only half-truths. Illegals often take jobs at a wage most Americans won't accept. So technically they aren't taking the jobs from Americans, since businesses probably wouldn't be hiring illegals if they could get a legal resident to work for the same wage. And technically they aren't doing jobs Americans won't do, since a lack of an illegal labor pool would force businesses to raise their wages until legal residents took the jobs.

Hell; I might be willing to mow lawns or clean toilets for the right price. It would be a lot less stressful than my current job.
"I am certain that nothing has done so much to destroy the safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice." - Friedrich Hayek

Last edited by Telluride; 12-27-2006 at 09:27 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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