The first thing that came to mind was, has your gf ever experienced a full blown orgasm? I understand that there must be a lot of other issues involved with why your sex life isn't going so well.. but I could never understand fully what is going on between both of you...
...So I suggest, just from what you've written, (if orgasms arn't the problem) that you don't treat sex like something you can fix like a machine because you're unsatissfied about how its running. You can't complain to her and ask her to fix it! its not something that anyone can fix just like that. I found it very hard to imagine that kind of conversation about sex. If my bf complained to me so directly and constantly about how unsatisfied he is with our sexlife and how I should fix it, I'd be even more upset and the quality of sex would definately drop even lower. I'd feel that I'm a cause of his unhappiness, No?
for the majority of the past year and a half I've been very unsatisfied with our love life ( Which I've been telling her for that year and a half - I've had the feeling that nothing has changed but over and over again, she tells me that she is trying. ) and recently we have been fighting a lot
Sex is very closely connected to emotions (duh), especially for women... we like it to be slow and romantic etc. We don't want it until we're emotionally and physically ready. When I'm out of wack, the sex is kind of the same. If I feel fat, I don't want my bf looking at my butt..
You need to give her some emotional support without making it obvious.. more attention to detail? When i've got an ugly day, it shows.. my bf can tell the signs and its at those times when he tells me that I'm beautiful, out of the blue - well at least it seems so.. and that gives me a boost.
empathy and communication.