Well before the Senate was a popularity contest. Frank Mahovolich of all people was put in there by the liberals. Along with other high standing liberal contributors. Basically it was a retirement "home" for liberal policitians.
Though Dion did point out a momumental problem, Harper actually took a step forward to democratic reform, a thing the liberals have not done in about 12 years (I think).
And personally, I think that Harper is just fulfilling campaign promises right now, going through his agenda and then going from there. I think after he's done or with the threat of a spring election but the Bloc, maybe he'll start on trying to work on things that are more pressing. Such as the Kyoto Accord (NDP and Green Party), Francophone alienation and Quebec separatist (Bloc) and generally dealing with socioeconomic issues within Canada such as housing for the poor, (hopefully) trying to get Alberta from a resource province into a more manufacturing province for sustainability. Trying to help out with the debt control in Quebec, trying to boost the economies in the Maritimes, boosting his "image" or promoting his party in Ontario and parts of BC, taking a look at Native issues with respect to NWT, Yukon and Nunavut.