Hummers are grossly exaggerated examples of why the U.S. auto market should be going to hell in a handbasket. They serve absolutely no purpose, they aren't even good at off-roading, and they are the most deserving of the "compensating for something" tag of any over-priced toy out there.
Why do I hate them so?
They guzzle gas. They're ugly. They're obnoxiously, unnecessarily large. They're usually owned by idiot surburbanites who can't drive regular cars, let alone those that are too big for the streets they're on. They epitomize every bad stereotype about Americans that exists.
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The H2 is a gas guzzler. Because it has a gross vehicle weight rating over 8500 lbs, the US government does not require it to meet federal fuel efficiency regulations. Hummer isn't even required to publish its fuel economy (owners indicate that they get around 10 mpg for normal use). So while our brothers and sisters are off in the Middle East risking their lives to secure America's fossil fuel future, H2 drivers are pissing away our "spoils of victory" during each trip to the grocery store.
Thoughts? Any redeeming qualities? I warn you - you won't convince me. But I might lose a bit of respect for you if you own/like/would like to own one.
Some support sites for those with the Hummer Rage(tm):
The Best Site Ever: