Originally Posted by SugahBritches
Women are LOUD with their signals...............YOU MEAN REALLY LOUD???? How loud you think is LOUD???
Sorry, but you just cracked me up Mantus. Not your fault really and not that I'm saying your post is all wrong! Oh jeeze.....I just got into one of my giggle fits. But, pay me no nevermind Mantus, I'm sure you think you are right!
Well if she screams “FUCK ME NOW!”…it’s generally a sign to make a move, though perhaps it’s best to hear it twice…just to make sure.
The thing is...I hear silly stories about missed opportunities all too often. For example a gem I heard today about a guy who is alone and comfortably inebriated with a girl. They have a moment and she say, “this would be a good time for a kiss”. At which point…I joke not… this guy gives her the most impressive disappointment of her life by doing…yes…absolutely nothing.
It is funny at first...but on the other hand it's really sad how shy some guys can be.