Problem with AOL..HELP!!!
Hey all,
My ex and i shared an AOL account and I was the master account and it was under my name.
Well, now I don't live with him anymore and he didn't cancel the AOL membership, but he stopped paying recently and I keep on getting a letter from AOL (with my new address!!!??? Hmm..I never gave it to them) stating that my account is overdue and that they will report me to the credit bureau. I called them twice and they insisted that i am not the account holder and that they cannot release any information, since I'm not the account holder andto disregard the letter. Well, a third and fourth letter came and what do you know??? My credit score has gone down!!! I'm so upset and do not know what to do.
Any idea on how to resolve this porblem? My ex is impossible to deal with and he might of done it on purpose, so what should I do now?
Thx for any suggestions.