Would you lojack your kids
So I just saw a commercial for a product that is touted as a personal tracking device. Of course it went thru all the "good" things it was for...older people getting lost...your kids being out and having car trouble etc.
My question is this....would you as a parent use something like this to keep tabs on your child at all times....such as being out with friends or on a date to see if they were actually where they were supposed to be or would you see this as an invasion of your privacy? I can see on one side how this would be a good thing ie if your child was abducted you'd know where they were....but I think back to how many times I didnt go where I told my parents I was because they would have forbid me to go (yes as a parent now I understand their concerns lol), but it would be more like...Mom, Im going to Hopes house, and I would...but then hope and I would leave to go to beverly's house (not real names lol) because my mother didnt want me hanging out with that particular person.
I would like to think my relationship with Amanda will be such that she wont have to lie to me, but I know at some point it will happen). I just dont know if yet if the guise of "safety" is enuff to warrant something like this.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!