Enjoy the ride; but as pornclerk says, your guy is in a different stage of life than you, and might not want the things you want down the line , because:
* he's already been there and done that and doesn't need to do it again, or
* he's at a stage where he wants to settle down and take it easy while you still want to climb mountains (literally or figuratively).
Also, right now he's probably the guy he's going to be for the rest of his life. He knows who he is and what he wants. You, however, might have a complete change of goals and priorities in the next five or seven years. That happens a lot in the '20s, and that's why a good number of early "serious' relationship go under stress: because one or both of the partners now wants different things than they did when they married.
So enjoy. But keep these things in mind whenever you get starry-eyed about "forever." And remember that all good things aren't expected to last forever.