This thread hits very close to home because I'm currently in a committed relationship where my girlfriend has pretty much lost her sex drive due to the interaction of the synthetic thyroid hormones she's taking (she has hypothyroidism) and the hormones from the NuvaRing. For the past two to three months now she hasn't had any desire for sex, and whenever we do have sex it's because she's offering it as an appeasment gesture to pacify me rather than because she's horny.
Other than the great divide between our sex drives I could definitely see myself marrying this woman. But if her libido remains low like it is then I don't know whether I'd ever ask her to marry me because I just could not endure a sexless marriage. As Ustwo put it, sexless marriages only work in movies (especially chick flicks) and medieval poetry.
Don't get me wrong---there's more to a relationship than sex (especially in a marriage), but if the gulf between the sex drives of both partners is so great that no sex hardly ever happens (or it's only an act of appeasement on the woman's part rather than a genuine desire for sexual intimacy with her man) then the relationship will ultimately fail. If I ever have to come to the point where I have to choose between being in a sexless relationship and cheating or being single I think I'll leave and be single because it's too humiliating to be married or in a committed relationship and not get any sex.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation