With liberty, you must have responsibility. If our citezenry were capable of responsibly handling liberty, we wouldn't need our bloated civil and criminal codes, nor the need for such secrecy in the affairs of our government. The minute we decided that the worker bees were too dumb to trust was the minute we lost our liberty for order. If we raised everyone to the higher levels of integrity and responsibility, order would follow naturally, but it would be an order based on consesus rather than legislation.
Unfortunately, our legislators and elected officials have given us the line "Trust us, it's for your own good." so many times that people in America have become drones. The USA PATRIOT act is not about countering terrorism, but exerting more "order". Notice how we always hear of a New World "Order", and not a New World Republic, or even a New World Democracy.
I VOTE for liberty.
PS Good post, Toxic!
The difference between theory and reality is that in theory there is no difference.
"God made man, but he used the monkey to do it." DEVO