The biggest thing about them coming in my house is that they're usually in my yard at the time playing with my daughter. Any of the kids in the neighborhood seem to think that they can use the bathroom of the house who's property they are playing on. The only ones who ask are the two 15 yr olds and I have no problem with them at all.
Things have not completely cleared up today. I believe it comes down to this... the girl from house B is angry with me, and perhaps my daughter because her best friend the child #1 from house A got grounded. I'm not sure but this is how it looks. Child #1 refuses to take responsibility for her actions. I heard her taunting and blaming her accomplice today. I think until Child #1 is not grounded anymore or till she learns her lesson that those two girls will attempt to stir up trouble. I saw little of the parents from house B today. The father did wave to me when I waved today but I have not seen the mom yet. It's possible she has a miserable hangover or she could be avoiding us. Who knows. She can be little short with some people and I'm not sure what makes her tick. I just hope she gets over this quickly and forgets it.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 06-17-2006 at 06:10 PM..